Corporate Governance
Audit Committee:
- Carmina Ganyet I Cirera (Chairman)
- Arielle Malard de Rothschild
- Alexandra Rocca
- Review the financial statements to be presented to the Board.
- Assess the effectiveness of internal controls over procedures, risks and compliance with ethical standards.
- Review the audit plans of the internal and external auditors.
- Review and make recommendations concerning the appointment of corporate officers.
- Make recommendations concerning the appointment or re-appointment of the external auditors.
Remuneration and Selection Committee:
- Pere Viñolas Serra (Chairman)
- Arielle Malard de Rothschild
- Alexandra Rocca
- Make recommendations to the Board concerning the remuneration of corporate officers, directors’ fees, stock option plans and specific incentive bonus plans.
- Make recommendations to the Board concerning candidates for appointment to the Board and senior management succession planning, particularly when a seat on the Board or a senior management position falls vacant for unforeseeable reasons or following a change in the number of seats on the Board.
Executive and Strategy Committee:
- Pere Viñolas Serra (Chairman)
- Carmina Ganyet I Cirera
- Juan José Brugera Clavero
- Advise the Board and senior management on SFL’s strategies to promote business growth in the best interests of the Company and all of its shareholders.
- Help the Board and senior management to efficiently fulfil their respective responsibilities, by acting as an interface for strategic issues and transactions.
- Review business plans and projections in order to assess the Company’s medium and long-term outlook.
- Review and make recommendations concerning planned transactions that require the Board’s prior approval.
- Report to the Board on its activities.
Committee of Independent Directors:
- Arielle Malard de Rothschild
- Alexandra Rocca
- The role of the Committee of Independent Directors is to make recommendations to the Board concerning any proposed transactions leading to a possible reorganisation of the Company’s ownership structure.